• Admissions are open to all without any consideration of caste, colour or creed, subject to qualifying the admission test and availability of seats.
  • The Registration for admission starts with the declaration of date for registration i.e. in the first week of January of the admission session.
  • The school prospectus contains the Registration form. This has to be filled in and submitted for registration.
  • The eligible age for the admission to Nursery class is 3+ as on 1st April of the year. Age for the admission to class-I should be 5+ as on 1st April in the year of admission. The age for subsequent classes will be calculated on the same basis.
  • A formal test in all the main teaching subjects will be taken for all the classes from 1st onwards. No test is conducted for admission in Nursery and K.G. classes.
  • Registration does not ensure admission. The decision of the Principal shall be final.


  • For the admission in Nursery and K.G., photocopy of Birth Certificate issued from a competent authority like the Municipal Corporation or Village Panchayat must be submitted along with the Registration Form.
  • Latest passport size three photographs of the child has to be fixed on the Admission Form.
  • Latest Passport size three photographs of the child along with his/ her Parents.
  • The original Birth Certificate has to be submitted at the time of admission along with the Admission Form duly filled in.
  • Photocopy of Aadhar Card has to be submitted at the time of Admission.
  • For the admission in class 1st onwards, Transfer Certificate issued from the previous school duly counter signed by the Education Officer has to be submitted at the time of admission.
  • Report card of the previous class has to be shown at the time of Admission to the next higher class.
  • Scheduled Caste/Tribe Certificate has to be submitted at the time of admission along with the Admission form duly filled in.
  • Direct admission in class X /XII shall be considered on producing Transfer Order of the Parents or the Proof of the shifting of the family. In such cases registration card of class IX/XI issued by the Board along with T.C. of the school has to be submitted in the school. Regarding direct admission in class X/XII, the decision of C.B.S.E. shall be final.


  • Students will not be allowed to appear in any of the examinations until the clearance of all the dues.
  • Fee is a subject of revision at the discretion of the management.
  • Fees and other charges once paid are not refundable.
  • A fee Booklet is issued for depositing the fees. This Fee Booklet is required to be collected personally by the parents/guardians from the School office at the time of admission.
  • Fee is paid through cheque only. Post dated local A/c Payee's cheques should be submitted latest by 7th of the due month of installment while outside cheques at least 10 days before the due date, drawn in favour of "Kalka Public School", Meerut.
  • Late fee will be charged from date 8 th onward of the due month as per norms of the school.
  • If the fee is not paid by the end of the month of block installment, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.
  • Re-admission fee of Rs 500/- is charged in addition to regular fee and late fee fine . Re-admission in subject to the discretion of the Principal.
  • All the fees are payable for a full period of 12 months irrespective of the date/month of admission, at the specified rates as per schedule of fees and mode of payment.
  • Fee has to be paid in four installments, i.e. April, July to Sept, Oct to Dec. & Jan to March.
  • In case a cheque bounces, a fine of Rs.200/- will be charged besides all the dues.


Admission Charge :₹ 8000/- Registration Fee: ₹200/-
Class MONTHLY INSTALLMENT 1ST Quaterly installment 2ND Quaterly installment 3RD Quaterly installment 4TH Quaterly installment TOTAL
Play- Pre.Nur. 2178/- 6534/- 6534/- 6534/- 6534/- 26,136/-
Nur.-K.G 3124/- 9372/- 9372/- 9372/- 9372/- 37,488/-
I-II 3316/- 9949/- 9949/- 9949/- 9949/- 39,792/-
III-V 3487/- 10,461/- 10,461/- 10,461/- 10,461/- 41,844/-
VI-VIII 3894/- 11,682/- 11,682/- 11,682/- 11,682/- 46,728/-
IX-X 4180/- 12,540/- 12,540/- 12,540/- 12,540/- 50,160/-
XI-XII com. 4488/- 13,464/- 13,464/- 13,464/- 13,464/- 53,856/-
XI-XII Sci. 4785/- 14,355/- 14,355/- 14,355/- 14,355/- 57,420/-

1. *Admission Fee will be charged at the time of admission from the new students only.
2. *Registration fee will be charged at the time of admission only.
3. Transport fee will be applicable as per distance.

Requirement of documents at the time of admission

Birth Certificate/T.C, Report card of passed class, Two Passport size photo of the child, Photo of the child along with parents, Photo copy of Adhaar Card


School hours during summer are from 7:45 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. while during winter are 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The school office remains open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on all working days. Holidays are generally the same as observed by all schools of Meerut.


Fee counter remains open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., from Monday to Saturday on all the working days including summer vacation and winter vacation except gazetted holidays.